Are we getting the ‘working day’ wrong?

One of the best ways of measuring your fitness levels is with VO₂ Max which is the maximum rate of oxygen you can consume whilst exercising. The higher it is indicates a higher level of cardio fitness and endurance.

And whilst there are different types of exercise you can perform to improve your VO₂ max, one of the best is HIIT also known as High Intensity Interval Training.

What’s great things about HIIT workouts is relative output to the time you input… You could do a 20 minute workout that can be more impactful on your fitness as jogging around the park for 1 hour.

The key thing is “high intensity’, you’ve got to go at it for 20 min as hard as you can.

Which brings me back to the standard working environment.

Typically employees are coming in and working 9-5, but studies show they’re only productive for about one third of that time.

They’re the ‘joggers’ of the office.

What if you applied a HIIT style working environment to the office where you would have 1-2 hours of ‘high intensity’ interval work (HIIW), followed by 2-3 hours active recovery, massage, light exercise, mediation, reading. (no phone scrolling!)

You could do it 2 maybe 3 times a day.

Just as you wouldn’t run a marathon everyday, why ‘work’ all day?

It’s not about the hours clocked in, but what you actually do within the hours…

Would you try a HIIW day?

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